EADV 2021ESPD 2021EADO 2021RADLA 2021EADV Spring Symposium 2021EADV Virtual 2020EADV Madrid 2019КОНГРЕС WCD Milan 2019RADLA Buenos Aires 2019EADO Paris 2019AAD Washington 2019AAD SAN DIEGO 2018ESPD CONFERENCE LONDON 2018EADO CONFERENCE BARCELONA 2018КОНГРЕС EADV ЖЕНЕВА 2017Конгрес EADV Виена 2016Конгрес ESPD Париж 2016AAD Вашингтон 2016Световен конгрес Ванкувър 2015

The 13th ESPD congress (European Society for Pediatric Dermatology), took place in Paris, France. BIODERMA's Pack Info Live enables you to share the best moments of the congress via the reports produced by our three dermatologists present: Doctor Aurélie Acher, dermatologist in Caen, Doctor Jean-Paul Claudel, dermatologist in Tours and Doctor Thomas Hubiche, dermatologist in Fréjus, have made their selection among the many sessions proposed.